I am a new trainee at LSeT, and currently work with many species including capybaras. Capybaras are a gregarious and social species and should never be kept in an enclosure by itself. This would be extremely stressful for the capybara and would result in behavioural and personality changes. Extreme stress can further cause structural changes in the
brain as well as premature death. Because capybaras are extremely social and respond well to tactile stimulation, it is critical that we provide well planned
enrichment for them. The capybaras didn’t trust me at the beginning and I had to gradually increases the level of interaction. I figured I could use green bamboo leaves to gain their trust. They are very fond of bamboos and they
showed greater interested in interacting with me now.
Capybaras enjoy being petted; their fur rises, they lie down, roll over, and vocalise so beautifully. Positive human-animal relationships are critical for the well-being of capybaras living in human care. Because capybaras adore bamboo, we at LSET hang bamboo branches from bushes around the enclosure to enrich the lives of these captive capybaras. It is critical that animals kept in captivity live in an environment that stimulates them both mentally and physically. We also provide them with a bathing tub that is always filled with water. Capybaras love water and can be seen spending a significant amount of time in it.