Iain Valentine DSc CBiol BSc FRSB FLS is Director of Zoocraft Limited, a professional Zoo and Aquaria Consultancy Company, working principally with established and new zoo and aquaria projects and operators in China and Middle East, taking to them, technical and design skills which are needed by this emerging powerhouse of the zoo world. Previously while at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland he held various senior positions within the organisation over the 15 years he was with the organisation, latterly as the Director of Giant Panda Programme and Senior Policy Advisor. Before this his role Iain was Director of Animals, Education and Conservation, responsible for all aspects in the running of RZSS’s two animal collections, animal, all the educational and ex situ and in situ research & conservation projects work and staff within RZSS. Iain’s understanding of the zoo world and conservation world and his interest in developing the capacity -building potential of zoos has been built up over a thirty
– five -year period where he has always held senior management and director roles in various organisations since graduating from University where he did a degree in Biological Sciences.
He also lived and worked in South America for a time where he helped run and develop an Ecuadorian ecotourism company. He is a Chartered Biologist, Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London and previously a member of the IUCN
Conservation Planning Specialist Group. He is a Trustee of three of the Trusts within Peoples Postcode Lottery and an advisor to the Tay and Earn Trust . He has an established extensive network of professional individuals working in a variety of fields both nationally and internationally. His has been a beekeeper for 40 years and a keen horticulturalist.